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No New Posts The Canyon - Outside

The canyon has three walls, two of the long ones created by cliffs in the mountains making it a canyon, and a short one at the end where the den is. At the other end, the walls fan out to revile a sort of small field with very little grass. Behind it just happens to be a forest separate from Silvald. A pool of water is created in the middle of this area from the excess water from Tumulosus, where fish are plentiful. The excess water in the pool is then trickled off into the forest. The canyon is long, but not that wide, and because of the limited space, there is no seclusion for the alphas to get away.

Moderators: Camille, Kiyora, Eden

3 17 His Own
Mar 12, 2009 1:57:19 GMT -5
No New Posts The Den

On the smallest wall of the canyon, a large cave has been stationed. The cave is so large, that when in deep enough, lots dark tunnels are intertwined, creating a maze many wolves become lost in, and die of starvation. The whole cave has yet to be explored, for the ends pass the boundaries of Beyond the Valley. Those lands remain uncharted. A few rocks lay scattered on the ground of the red, dusty floor. After just a short walk into the den, when the light becomes so dim that the walls are just barely visible, old, wall paintings cover them.

Moderators: Camille, Kiyora, Eden

Mar 12, 2009 1:28:43 GMT -5

Cavus - Canyon

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Cavus - Canyon
Cavus is a canyon placed at the edge of Beyond the Valley. To its right sits tumulosus. A wood that has yet to be explored lies at the far end of the canyon, and creatures such as deer, and black bears come out to take a drink in the pool of water. Snakes, spiders and other insects like scorpions make their way of life in the sands. Many wolves go into the wood in search of food. The weather is mostly hot, almost like a desert, cooling a bit only in the winter, and cooling considerably at night. Never has anyone seen snow in Cavus. This long canyon is by far one of the smaller terrains on Beyond the Valley if you don't include its intricate tunnel system. Because of its size, there was no room for a separate alpha getaway; however some prefer to always be together.

Alpha Male: Finger
Alpha Female: N/A
Beta Male: N/A
Beta Female: N/A
Omega Male: N/A
Omega Female: N/A
Siklas: Cascada
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